Surf City Garage Black Edge Detailer
Take detailing your black or dark car to the edge ƒ?ø???? Black Edge. Goes on easier, leaves a smoother sleeker finish and provides greater protection from UV rays and the elements than any other product out there. Only Black Edgeƒ?ø?œ?› is specially formulated to make black and dark paint stand out and shine. Never scratches, never streaks, and never builds up ƒ?ø???? and itƒ?ø?¦s 100% safe for clear coats.?�??
Its #1 Brazilian Carnauba formula with Advanced Particle Suspension Technology?�?? means you can use it on a dusty car without scratching. Black Edgeƒ?ø?œ?› ƒ?ø????the fastest way to take your black and dark car's shine and protection to the edge.