Atexio VI MV is a fully synthetic transmission fluid, especially developed?�??
for automatic transmissions of General Motors but also for many?�??
other applications such as ZF 6 to 8 speeds or Aisin Warner AW-1.?�??
It is also suitable for power steering systems and some hydraulic?�??
systems where a good low temperature fluidity is required.?�??
Atexio VI MV is the recommended top up or refill fluid for automatic?�??
transmissions where DEXRON VI and/or DEXRON III is prescribed.?�??
Atexio VI MV has a very high and stable viscosity index and an
improved resistance against corrosion and oxidation. Due to these?�??
improvements, the drain interval for new GM automatic transmissions?�??
is doubled. ATF Full Synthetic DEXRON VI meets the DEXRON VI?�??
specification , required in all automatic transmissions of General?�??
Motors build in 2006 or later. But it also meets many other recent?�??
ATF specifications from Aisin-Warner, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, VW?�??
or the latest ZF Lifeguard fluid 8 for 6 to 8 speeds ZF fluid